Quality Management
A management system that is designed to assist an organisation achieve its business goals, reduce waste and enhances profitability provides real benefit and this is what ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management is about, not just customer satisfaction.
Quality as a business attribute is all-encompassing and using a management system based on ISO 9001 is a foundation for all organisations long term sustainability and success.
ISO 9001:2015 is the most comprehensive change in fourteen years and specifies the minimum requirements for a Quality Management System that can be used for certification purposes allowing an organisation to ensure that:
- products and services consistently meet applicable regulatory and customer requirements
- the organisation reaches it's objectives.
The 'Requirements' standard is supported primarily by:
- BS EN ISO 9000:2015 Quality management system fundamentals and vocabulary, and
- BS EN ISO 9004:2018 Quality management. Quality of an organisation. Guidance to achieve sustained success.
Additional publications are on our Quality Extras page, but you can always contact us for more information.