Health & Safety
A multitude of legal obligations and regulations are in force to protect each and everyone of us regardless of our position in an organisation and an Occupational Health & Safety System to OHSAS 18001 can help simplify the management of this complex subject.
BS ISO 45001:2023 specifies the requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system. This maintains an organisations ability to indentify and control its occupational health and safety risks and continue to enhance an organisation’s occupational health and safety performance.
BS 45002:2023 provides guidelines for the application of BS 45001.
Occupational health and safety is a priority across the world as the consequences can be devastating and accidents within the workplace continue to happen. A new 'International' management system standard is being prepared to provide a harmonized approach to health and safety management globally and provides a framework for organizations to develop a management system designed optimally for their own needs in order to promote health and safety in the workplace.
See also the additional information on the Health & Safety Extras page.